Puissance Métal, Métal Féminin, Heavy, Black et Death Métal

Revamp : le « burn-out » de Floor

Par • 14 Juin, 2011 • Catégorie: Actualités

sur la corde raide

Petite news autour  d’une de mes chanteuses favorites : Floor Jansen, qui n’est  pas au sommet de sa forme ces derniers jours.

Celle ci a récemment tweeté:

Voici donc le communiqué à lire sur le site officiel de Revamp et explique qu’elle sera absente quelques temps des réseaux sociaux ou autres séances d’autographes réservées aux fans :

« Dear all,

For a few months now my health has not been good… I suffer from a burn out. It took me a while to accept this fact, it was and is hard to be forced to take it easy and stop doing my work.

The shows booked for ReVamp are and have been for the last month my only activity and even that costs me more energy than I have. This burn out doesn’t mean I do not love my work! It’s a sign of my system that I worked too hard for too long. I now have to be extremely careful with the amount of activities because my condition is poor.

On our tour in Latin America I will only be able to do the shows. I am sorry to say that I cannot attend to any other meetings or signing sessions.  Also the social media such as Facebook and Twitter has been a bit quiet and will remain silent for a while until I am fully recovered.

I hope to be back on my feet soon and ask you for your sympathy.  Music and the amazing support of you all have always energized me and I am sure this will pull me through this difficult period in my life again!!!

With love,

Floor »

Le groupe assurera quand même la tournée en Amérique du sud prévu au cours de ce mois de juin.

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