Puissance Métal, Métal Féminin, Heavy, Black et Death Métal

Revamp : l’after de Floor (#8)

Par • 14 Nov, 2012 • Catégorie: Actualités

album retardé

Floor Jansen, bien occupée ces dernières semaines avec Nightwish, annonce que le prochain album de Revamp est retardé à l’automne 2013.


Communiqué :

Release second ReVamp album postponed!

Due to the changed situation in which singer Floor joined Nightwish on their world tour and summer festivals the band has decided to postpone the release.

The new album deserves full attention and with the schedule as it is today is it not possible to do enough shows, tours and festivals.

ReVamp wants to release the album in the fall of 2013. The exact date and more info about the possible tours will come as soon as possible. The recording of the album stays as scheduled and will start in December of this year!

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