Puissance Métal, Métal Féminin, Heavy, Black et Death Métal

Diabulus In Musica : album en 2012

Par • 2 Déc, 2011 • Catégorie: Actualités

Et changement de label

Napalm rec. est heureux d’annoncer le recrutement de Diabulus In Musica, groupe espagnol qui signera courant mars 2012, un nouvel album.

« We feel extremely happy and proud to start working hand-in-hand with one of the biggest labels in our genre today. We both share a similar enthusiasm towards the new album, which is why we feel confident about our future and are strongly motivated. Our upcoming release is full of passion, energetic, yet delicate, and also a big step forward in our music. We are sure that this new deal with Napalm Records will bring our music to the next level! »

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