Puissance Métal, Métal Féminin, Heavy, Black et Death Métal

Stephan Forté : album solo

Par • 30 Août, 2011 • Catégorie: Actualités

Et instrumental

Listenable rec. annonce la signature de Stephan Forté (Adagio) qui devrait publier d’ici la fin de l’année l’album instrumental The Shadows Compendium qui comprendra des invités de renom : Jeff Loomis, Mattias Eklundh, Glen Drover, Daniele Gottardo et Derek Taylor.


Commentaire de Stephan au sujet de cette signature:

I am very happy to sign with Listenable for “The Shadows Compendium” The label did a great job for Adagio »’s latest album “Archangels In Black” and I am really pleased to have such a strong Metal label supporting an instrumental album worldwide. I’ve been working on the writing for more than 4 years and I’m glad to finally be ready to share this music with you guys. This albums reflects my very personal vision of guitar, it is of course a Metal album, featuring some insane guitar chops, but still very melodic. Right now, I am practicing the songs in order to be ready to play them perfectly for the showcase tour in October. As far as the guests, I am lucky to have such talented friends, they all did amazing solos, Jeff, Glen, Mattias, Daniele and Derek, guys you kick serious asses, thanks again buddies!!”

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