Puissance Métal, Métal Féminin, Heavy, Black et Death Métal

Sister Sin : tournée annulée

Par • 15 Nov, 2012 • Catégorie: Actualités

Opération pour Liv

Sister Sin, qui a récemment sorti un nouvel album, se voit contraint d’annuler sa prochaine tournée, suite à l’annonce de l’opération (invévitable) des cordes vocales pour la chanteuse Liv.

Communiqué original :

Hey all!

We´re coming to you with some bad news today….
-Liv has had issues with her voice starting way back in 2007-2008 & it turned out to be a node on her vocalchords. To avoid surgery she has been very strict with warmups, vocal exercises and what not but never the less things have taken a turn for the worst lately. After re-visiting her doctor last week it became apparent that surgery is …now needed & unavoidable.
-So it is with great regret we are forced to cancel the announced shows and planned dates for the rest of the year.
This is very common amongst singers & expected recovery is only two months so we will be back stronger than ever in early 2013 and for the upcoming US tour in February.

Cant wait to see you all again on the road & thank you all for your understanding & support!

Much Love

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